To get the images for The Company of Men, Blake had to strike up a conversation through his lens with the men on the other side of his camera.
It is the power of that immediacy, understanding and trust which makes the images so striking. Blake was after something, the truth of his pursuit is not lost on the faces of the men in this book, it is in fact the thing that gives them such collective power… The honesty in these portraits is immense.
– Foreword by Henry Rollins
Company of Men is sold out.
Thanks to everyone who supported the book.
Archival Prints are available below
Work is available at www.workthebook.com
The new book Primary is available @ www.primarythebook.com
10.25″ x 12.5″
132 pages
89 Photographs
Edition of 1000
Designed by Adams Morioka
The Company of Men by Blake Little is a photographic exploration that celebrates and updates the traditional archetypes of masculinity. Little’s twist on these various embodiments of virility comes in the fact that all of the subjects of his book are gay.
Photographed over the last seven years, Little’s portraits of these men are unadorned and focus on the individual strength and character of each sitter. Taken as a group, they represent his ideal, a surprising new vision of male beauty that is quietly subversive and powerful. Most importantly, Little’s images shatter mainstream stereotypes of homosexuality and underscores that masculinity lies beyond sexuality.
With these photographs, Blake Little has illuminated a new and seemingly inconspicuous subculture that extends through rural communities, small towns and cities across the country. While each subject appears solitary in their photo, together these men comprise a vast brotherhood that connects them. And while the work captures a social movement that is specific to this time and place, as seen through Little’s camera, the results are timeless.
Archival Pigment Print
Own your favorite Archival Pigment Print from ‘The Company of Men’. These archival pigment prints are of high quality and expected to last for a long time if the prints are properly stored/exhibited. All 8.5″ x 11″ prints are signed by the photographer and all 17″ x 22″ prints are numbered as well.
These high quality prints will only be available for a limited time!
For custom orders, quantity discounts and large size prints.
Contact us for prices and availability.