“Blake Little’s photographs do everything they can to answer these challenges short of reaching out and shaking the viewer’s hand in a bone-crunching grip. These people look like men, like real men. When next I need to load a ten-foot length of walnut trunk into my truck bed, I will think longingly of these stalwarts and then resume trying to ‘lift with my legs.’ Do they like peanut butter? Do they like men? I don’t give a shit. Whether they are about to engage in work or play, the men pictured herein are about as manly as they get.”
– Foreword by Nick Offerman
10.25″ x 12.5″
124 pages
104 Photographs
Edition of 1,500
Clothbound, with Dust Jacket
Edited by Frank Rodriguez
Designed by Sean Adams
Manifest is sold out.
Thanks to everyone who supported the book.
Archival Prints are available below
Work is available at www.workthebook.com
The new book Primary is available @ www.primarythebook.com
Ships have a manifest to declare the contents of what they are shipping. The images in Blake Little’s latest book Manifest are quickly understood by the senses, absorbed with reactions that are immediate and instinctual. Like a ship’s manifest, they form a mission statement of this photographer’s specific vision of men, in their environments, in their relationships, in their skin.
* display or show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance; demonstrate;
* readily perceived by the sense especially of sight
Manifest is a progression from his groundbreaking book, The Company of Men. Little’s documentation of a new gay masculinity continues as he pushes his portraiture in different ways. His visual vocabulary has evolved from the more formal structure of his earlier pictures, taking more chances and benefiting from this freedom. This time, the photographs are were taken both in and out of his Los Angeles studio and in England, Canada and all over the US. Some are more intimate than he has ever presented before, surprisingly so. He also captures couples for the first time, presenting portraits of real relationships. Manifest features 104 remarkable photos of compelling men with a powerful, humorous and heartfelt forward by actor and icon Nick Offerman.
Archival Pigment Print
Own your favorite Archival Pigment Print from ‘Manifest’. These archival pigment prints are of high quality and expected to last for a long time if the prints are properly stored/exhibited. All 8.5″ x 11″ prints are signed by the photographer and all 17″ x 22″ prints are numbered as well.
These high quality prints will only be available for a limited time!
For custom orders, quantity discounts and large size prints.
Contact us for prices and availability.
MANIFEST is 90% Sold Out.
There are only limited quantities left, Order your collectable book today!